It was truly a pleasure meeting all of the students and guardians today! The powerpoint
Daniel and Odalys in Oviedo!
The first activity was a conversation activity: 30 seconds to introduce yourself and get to know your partner before switching!
The second activity was more serious... think/pair/share about different topics to flex those Spanish skills! Students individually reflected on their routines and daily lives, their favorite memories, the recommendations people have given them for the program, and their plans for the future before sharing with a partner. Afterwards, we shared as a group and looked for similarities and differences.
Odalys and I are both very excited for this summer! We had such a blast at orientation, this summer is going to be amazing!
Our presentation from today can be accessed here:
Please make sure that your student joins our facebook IUHPFL Mérida 2019 ( by April 23rd.
We'll see you all in June in Chicago!